First time working from home, huh?

Hey there, fellow remote worker! It’s a huge lifestyle change isn’t it?

I remember when I first started working from home, I thought I had it all figured out. No more commute, no more dress code, and no more annoying my open office co-workers with my loud telephone voice. What could go wrong?

Well, I put on 10kgs in the first year of working from home. It took me three years to lose it. This is just one example of the things I didn’t expect when I made the decision to become fully remote.

The other thing I didn’t expect was to feel lonely, but I have to admit sometimes I do. It’s easy to feel disconnected from the rest of the world when you’re stuck inside your own four walls. If I am not proactive its easy to go a week without seeing anyone but my partner if I don’t take steps to interact with people.

In hindsight, would I go back to the office? No way.
Would I do things a bit differently from day one? Yeah probably, but you don’t know what you don’t know! So, here are a few tips I wish someone had given me when I first started working remotely:

Set boundaries

When your office is also your home, it’s easy for work to bleed into your personal life. Set clear boundaries around your work hours, your workspace, and your communication with colleagues. Don’t be afraid to say no to a meeting that falls outside of your scheduled work hours, or to shut down your computer and walk away from your desk when the workday is over.

Prioritise movement

When you’re working from home, it’s easy to fall into the trap of sitting at your desk all day. But that’s not good for your physical or mental health. Prioritise movement by scheduling breaks throughout your day, going for a walk or run, or doing some yoga or stretching. Your body will thank you.

Ensure you prioritise movement throughout the day.

Connect with others

Don’t let the physical distance between you and your colleagues prevent you from building meaningful relationships. As remote workers, we need to make an extra effort to stay connected with our colleagues and the outside world. Go visit people, set up regular calls with co-workers, join online communities or groups related to your industry or interests, or even consider joining a local co-working space.

Plan awesome meals

A big benefit of working from home is access to the kitchen. I’ve found planning my meals and cooking yummy lunches has been a way to keep snacking under control and save money on takeout while maximising the benefits of working from home.

Rescue a dog

One of the best things about working from home is I can be a great dog owner. He also helps me keep active and have someone to hang out with all day. 100% recommend. If you’re struggling with creating a healthy remote workspace, don’t worry – you’re not alone! We’ve created a course that could help. It’s called Create a Healthy Remote Workspace, and it’s designed to help new remote workers like you create a workspace that promotes good physical and mental health.

Dogs are a great companion for a home office.

So, if you’re ready to take control of your remote work environment and create a space that works for you, consider signing up for our course today. It’s the first step towards a healthier, happier, and more productive remote work experience.

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