Goal setting 2024


Starting new habits or setting goals at the beginning of the year feels instinctive. There’s something magical about embarking on new journeys as the calendar turns. It’s a time of renewal and possibility when we’re not just setting individual goals but joining a community in pursuit of collective improvement. However, maintaining these resolutions can be challenging. According to a study by the University of Scranton published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, about 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. Can you relate? How are your New Year’s Resolutions going?

The January Dilemma

The mood in early January can be full of collective energy and motivation. But what happens when that initial energy fades? Often, we’re not equipped with the right mindset, leading to a quick abandonment of our resolutions.

Setting Yourself Up for Success

The key is to plan for habit creation, not just focus on the outcome. Changing behaviour is what will ultimately lead us to success. Setting realistic goals broken down into small, actionable steps is crucial. 

Let’s take the example of learning a new language. The goal might be to become fluent in the language. However, this is a lofty goal for someone starting. Shifting the focus to habits gives actionable and tangible things you can do daily, ultimately leading you toward the goal. For example, scheduling 30 minutes daily for learning, listening to a podcast or music daily or writing a diary in your chosen language every night. When the focus moves from the outcome to what you can do daily, we can embed the behaviour we need to achieve the goal.

Celebrate Small Achievements

Recording and celebrating each small step forward is vital. Celebrate showing up and then every milestone after that. A study published in the “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology” found that acknowledging small victories is essential to sustained motivation. In our language example, you could do something as simple as marking a calendar every day you practise.

Courses to Inspire Your 2024 Goals:

Looking for inspiration for the new year? Here are two Epic courses we recommend to jumpstart your new year:


The start of a new year is more than just setting goals; it’s about how we approach and adapt them over time. Shift your focus to the behaviours you need to achieve, and you can transform your aspirations into tangible achievements and real change.

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