Generations 101: decoding the labels

This short course delves into the dynamics of generational labelling.
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Welcome to “The Generation Game: Decoding the Labels” – an engaging short course to introduce you to the different generational labels and how they are used.

Lately it seems that generational labels are popping up everywhere, from news items and magazine articles to business plans and marketing strategies. We constantly see references to ‘tech obsessed Gen Z’, ‘selfish Baby Boomers’ or ‘lazy Millennials’. What does it all mean?

These labels, and their accompanying stereotypes, are starting to influence the way we perceive and interact with each other, sometimes leading us to be overly judgemental and dismissive. They are increasingly used by HR departments and marketing campaigns – is this a good or bad thing?

Before you decide, it’s important that you at least have a grasp of what the labels are and what they refer to. Complete this course to gain an understanding of the different generational labels and consider how you plan to engage with them in the future.

About Instructor


Denise has worked in education for over 20 years and is currently travelling the world in VR.

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Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons